

分类:SCI论文 时间:2022-07-06 热度:637





  《天文学与地球物理学》 地学天文-地球化学与地球物理四区期刊,出版了关于皇家天文学会范围内主题的简短评论论文:天文学、天体物理学、宇宙学、行星科学、日地物理学、全球和区域地球物理学以及这些主题的历史。


  题目:《Two phases of long-term shift in extreme precipitation in Somalia》

  作者:Mohamed Jama 期刊:Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 刊期:2022-3 外文期刊

  摘要:The occurrences of some intense rainfall episodes in Somalia in recent years, resulting in flash floods in riverine areas, prompted researchers to investigate the significance of long-term shifts in severe rainfall across Somalia in the p

  题目:《Divergent Hydrological Responses to Forest Expansion in Dry and Wet Basins of China: Implications for Future Afforestation Planning》

  作者:Xue Baolin 期刊:Water Resources Research 刊期:2022-5 外文期刊

  摘要:Afforestation to control soil erosion has been implemented throughout China over the past few decades. The long‐term hydrological effects, such as total water yield and baseflow, of this large‐scale anthropogenic activity remain unclear.

  题目:《The neglected role of relative humidity in the interannual variability of urban malaria in Indian cities》

  作者:Santos Vega M. 期刊:Nature Communications 刊期: 2022-1 外文期刊

  摘要:The rapid pace of urbanization makes it imperative that we better understand the influence of climate forcing on urban malaria transmission. Despite extensive study of temperature effects in vector-borne infections in general, considerati

  题目:《Hydrological Modeling for Multifunctional Landscape Planning in the Orinoquia Region of Colombia》

  作者:Pimentel Jonathan Nogales 期刊:Frontiers in Environmental Science 刊期:2021- 外文期刊 10.3389/FENVS.2021.673215

  摘要:With over 200,000 km2 of natural savannas, the Orinoquia region of Colombia is a key and strategic conservation area. Because of Colombia’s fast economic growth, there are significant plans for agro-industrial expansion in the

  题目:《Application of Edge Computing Technology in Hydrological Spatial Analysis and Ecological Planning》

  作者:Cai Xinhong 期刊:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 刊期:2021-16 外文期刊

  摘要:The process of rapid urbanization causes so many water security issues such as urban waterlogging, environmental water pollution, water shortages, etc. It is, therefore, necessary for us to integrate a variety of theories, methods, measur

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